December 1, 2022 Blog 0 Comments

Q4 Newsletter 2022 – The Door Is Open For Growth

The end of the year is upon us. As a business owner there are two ways to view this time of year. One way is to cancel the remaining days of the year as a write-off, close up the virtual shop and go on a vacation from business until January. The other is to maximize the upcoming calendar days as a time for remaining consistent, planting seeds, and finishing strong. Choosing the latter is choosing to keep the DOOR open for growth.

Remain consistent in your messaging and posting. Resist the urge to “start over” or begin “preparing for next year early”. Understand that trends are changing and customers do buy from small businesses in December. And if they don’t buy from you in December, they may buy from you in January. Resist the urge to succumb to radio silence but keep marketing to your audience. Take the long view and keep your products and services in front of potential customers. Remain at the top of their ad streams and in the front of their minds the next time they seek the products/services you offer.

Building a successful business and a successful life is all about maintaining the best perspective on a situation. Rather than canceling the Google ad plan and Facebook boosted posts because the ROI may decrease, consider these last few weeks as a time for planting seeds. From a financial standpoint, it is beneficial to cut back on spending during a down season but dropping to zero dollars in ad spend can do more harm than good. Assess what’s best for your organization, given the available funds.

As you assess what’s best take this time to review your yearly goals, projections and plans. What in-progress projects can be completed or continued? Are there projects on hold due to waiting on others? What actions can you take to further your business in the meantime? How about using the rest of the year to brainstorm new ideas and products or research a new service line? These are just a few questions to prompt you along a path of finishing strong. Why put off for tomorrow what you can do today? The key is to be creative in deciding how to stay in business year-round. Even seasonal businesses, like lawn care servicing, can stay at the forefront of customers’ minds during the off-season.

Performing productive actions in November and December will keep the momentum going rather than having to rebuild it when the calendar changes. Productivity provides additional time to plan, implement, and promote the next best thing in your organization.

It may be winter in the Northeast, but spring will come again. What will bloom for your business when the next season rolls around? So that customer service doesn’t fade during this critical time, utilize the F.A.D.E.S.® process (Focus*Analyze*Develop*Execute*Sustainable Solutions). To learn more about the F.A.D.E.S.® process contact us here.
