April 12, 2022 Blog 0 Comments

Introduction to Maxwell DISC Assessments

“A leader who produces other leaders multiples their influences.”
~ John C. Maxwell

What is Maxwell DISC Assessment?
Team interaction is affected by the different behavior styles. The Maxwell DISC Assessment can help your team develop stronger bonds and effectively collaborate by learning more about the team’s communication style while developing effective strategies for handling conflict and personality clashes. Using the Maxwell Method of DISC a Certified Consultant will help you better understand yourself and everyone you encounter. When you understand the motivational center of your teammates, communication improves and you find yourself on the path to accomplishing your personal and professional goals!

How is it different from other assessments?
The Maxwell DISC Method has been designed around the leadership philosophies of the world’s
number 1 leadership expert, John C. Maxwell. The four primary categories of Maxwell DISC are
Dominant, Influencing, Steady, and Compliant. Recognizing which category your teammates
align with will help facilitate effective communication. While individuals may exhibit a
combination of these four behavioral types, almost always one will weigh heavier than the
other three. Undertaking a Maxwell DISC assessment provides an in-depth analysis of behavior
coupled with an action plan built from the leadership principles put forth by John Maxwell. The
results provide a framework for your organization’s growth.

How does AYSC use Maxwell DISC Assessments to benefit clients?
Learn about yourself to help you lead others. Do you want to know how to better encourage
your team members? Do you need to learn the fears, strengths and weaknesses of your team
members or future recruits to better match jobs to individuals?
Our program will help you better understand how you can communicate more effectively with
others. More effective communication with other DISC types will help you better connect since
you can take into consideration their preferred way of receiving information and

Internal communication impacts external communication with customers. Our specialized
customer service assessment will provide a unique look at your company’s effort to provide
excellent customer service. Using our FADES® process, recommendations will be made that
enable your organization to retain existing customers, attract new customers and maintain your
customer base.
Schedule your Discovery Session and see how At Your Service Consulting can work with you to
enhance your organization’s communication and leadership goals.
